I guess the Jays just weren't meant to go all the way this year. I thinks it's because I'm supposed to be in the stands when they win the championship. I'm also glad that you guys aren't sick anymore! When the typhoon rolled in we got only strong winds, but not enough to stop the work. If dad does film Beth after her wisdom teeth surgery he's gotta send it to me so I can watch it.

This week was pretty awesome as per usual. We taught awesome lessons. But unfortunately I got sick too. But even though I was sick, I took my Advil and it worked. When we were working I realized something. When we were teaching lessons I didn't feel sick. I felt good. I could teach, speak even though I had a sore throat, I could answer questions, and I could feel the spirit work through me. It was a pretty cool experience!
We are teaching a lot of people mostly part member families. That is actually our mission focus right now. The part member families have a pre-planted idea of what the gospel is and what it means to become a member. I love teaching the Magallanes family is really fun to teach and we actually have FHE at their house later. I'm super excited!
The one picture of the baptism are the children of record we baptized. I know it doesn't count in means of investigators being baptized but I was really happy that I was able to be a part of their baptisms. The other one is of me and Remart drinking some nice cold mountain Dews. He is so funny!
I love you
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